Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Any of you familiar with the inner workings of teh internets will have no doubt heard of Google Analytics, she the beast that is Google has trust upon us a piece of software that is as addictive as a cake made with heroin and pornography and I now find myself on a hourly basis clicking that bookmark that says

The tease that she is has decided that the first thing we shall see is the Campaign Management screen, this ditty is about as exciting as Aonghus McNally in leopard-skin underpants, however utopia is but a click away and selecting that little link that says 'Analytics' we are instantly thrust into an orgasmic display of site related information presented in an array of pie charts, graphs and maps with little dots on them.

'What would I like' she asks me..."Oh baby give me some red hot 'Referring Source' action" I scream back at the dirty little minx, and without so much as a blush she whacks my hard drive with the detailed data and leaves me sweating, shivering and begging for more....


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